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516 Redbird Cir, De Pere, WI 54115
(920) 490-8707
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Fire Prevention

Comfort Keepers In-Home Care in De Pere, Wisconsin.

Comfort Keepers Living Assistance Services in Green Bay, WI: How Seniors Can Reduce Fire Risks In Their Home

Living assistance services experts in Green Bay, WI discuss how your senior loved one can effectively prevent fires in their home this winter

As our loved one's age, most will start facing a number of challenges. Once these challenges start happening, we often get wrapped up in them, forgetting about the day-to-day hazards lurking around our loved one's and endangering them.

Few people are aware of the fact that people over the age of 65 disproportionately die in fires. What this means is that people that are 65 years old or over run a higher risk of death by fire. According to data from the U.S. Fire Administration, 14% of our population are people that are 65 years old or older, but they account for 40% of people dying in fires. This distressing information should not send you into a whirlwind of panic. There is a number of things your loved one can do to reduce their risk of experiencing a fire in their home and Comfort Keepers living assistance services professionals can help.

Let's talk about the risk factors first. Seniors are, generally speaking, weaker than younger people. This overall mental and physical decline can significantly impact their ability to survive a fire. Reduced mobility and reaction time also play a role, leaving seniors open for being injured or dying in a fire. Having a Comfort Keepers living assistance services professional around, can help compensate for some of the shortcomings your loved one may be experiencing due to age.

Comfort Keepers living assistance services professionals can also help your loved one take measures to protect themselves from fire hazards.

If your loved one is facing mobility issues, a Comfort Keepers living assistance services professional can come to your loved one's home and make sure their smoke detectors are working properly. If your loved one does not have smoke detectors installed all throughout the house, our caregiver can supervise their installation.

If your loved one is living in an older home, it may be time to get the wiring checked out. Our caregiver can find a contractor to carry out the work and supervise the process on behalf of your loved one.

Proper meal preparation is a major aspect of reducing fire hazards in the home. Caregivers can prepare meals for your loved one, making sure everything is in order and an accident like your loved one forgetting to turn off the stove does not happen.

Comfort Keepers living assistance services is all about helping your loved one live independently for a long time. To find out more about how our caregivers could become a part of your loved one's life, please give us a call today.