De Pere, Wisconsin
516 Redbird Cir, De Pere, WI 54115
(920) 490-8707
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Good Portions for Seniors

Comfort Keepers In-Home Care in De Pere, Wisconsin.

Eldercare from Comfort Keepers Green Bay, WI

If your senior loved one starts struggling with daily chores, Comfort Keepers in Green Bay, WI offers eldercare

Good Portions for Seniors

One of the main reasons that seniors tend to put on bad weight is that they eat bad portions. Portion control is a very important aspect of senior health and should be taken seriously.

Seniors who fail to take it seriously often experience such weight gain, along with other possible physical effects, which could result in needing eldercare. The following tips are recommended for those seniors who wish to take control of their diet and prevent weight gain:

Eat Three Meals a Day

Seniors should eat three full meals every day, in addition to a few snacks. It’s never a good idea to skip meals. In fact, seniors should never go more than five hours without eating. With eldercare help, your senior loved one will never miss a meal.

Keep Hydrating

Hydration is extremely helpful when it comes to eating good portions. Not only does it provide low calorie intake, but also prevents dehydration, which is a huge problem for seniors ( Eight glasses of water a day is recommended.

Use Small Plates

Portions are sometimes determined by the size of the plate used and eldercare can help them. Seniors are often accustomed to finishing their plate, so they can tend to overeat if the plate is too big. Using smaller plates can counter that.

Eat Healthy Food Before Sweets

Seniors will be less likely to indulge in fatty or sugary foods if they fill up on healthy foods first. These include fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean meats.

Make Use of Measuring Tools

Making use of measuring tools can also be helpful in limiting serving sizes. Seniors can start by using cups and scales and eyeball the measurements later on.

Split Meals With Others

When dining out, the serving size is usually much bigger than it should be. Because of this, seniors should split their meal with someone else or take half of it home with them.

The good thing about eating smaller serving sizes is that the body will become used to eat and start feeling full with less food, allowing seniors to maintain a healthy weight.

If you would like to learn more about the Comfort Keepers eldercare or you would like to discuss options, call our office at your convenience.