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Seniors And Immunizations

Comfort Keepers In-Home Care in San Antonio, Texas.

Comfort Keepers Eldercare Services and Immunization for Seniors in San Antonio, TX

Learn more about the benefits to senior immunizations from the eldercare experts - Comfort Keepers of San Antonio, TX

When we think of conditions that pose a great danger to senior citizens, we may think of heart disease or the poor functioning of various internal organs.  However, there are many infections that also claim the lives of many of our elderly.  The good news is that these illnesses are perfectly preventable through vaccines. Eldercare providers offer immunizations--also known as vaccines—for all of them.  Immunizations protect us by injecting a safe dose of an infection (a pathogen) into our bodies.  This teaches our immune system to recognize it, and it will then attack it the next time it recognizes it.

If a senior citizen you know hasn’t had their vaccines recently, please urge him or her to get them as soon as possible.

Our eldercare services will help by listing some of the most important vaccines for seniors.

1. Shingles Vaccine

Shingles is an awful skin rash that can often include painful blisters.  People who had chickenpox as children are most vulnerable to shingles, since the dormant virus can come back to life in the form of shingles.

Shingles afflicts as many as one in three adults at one point in their life.  Therefore, anyone over the age of 50 should get the shingles vaccine and then keep it updated, as it remains effective for only five years.

2. Flu Vaccine

Seniors often contract the flu virus.  This is partly because they often have weakened immune systems. And when the elderly do get Influenza, they are likely to be vulnerable to various complications that can come with it.  Examples include nasal and lung infections, and possibly even heart inflammation.

3. T-Dap (Tetanus-Diphtheria-Pertussis)

The T-Dap immunization is a combination of immunization against these three conditions—it can be considered a replacement for the vaccine that addressed just Tetanus and Diphtheria.

To give a sense of what this vaccine prevents against, Tetanus manifests itself in painful tightening of the muscles; diphtheria causes serious respiratory complications; and pertussis is better known as the whooping cough.

This vaccine is important for all seniors, particularly those who have frequent contact with infants.

4. Pneumonia

Pneumonia is a lung infection that results in 60,000 deaths a year, and is particularly difficult on the elderly.  The pneumonia vaccine is one-time, and patients can get renewal vaccines five years or more after the initial shot. Our eldercare providers strongly urge senior citizens to get the pneumonia vaccination.

As you can see, it’s crucial for senior citizens to have vaccinations for at least all of these conditions that are current.  It’s a big yet easy step toward a higher quality of life.  Even if your senior loved one is a bit skeptical for any reason, the benefits of vaccinations are enormous—the benefits can be life!