North Augusta, South Carolina
511 West Ave, North Augusta, SC 29841
(803) 279-7100
Would you like to save North Augusta, South Carolina as your Comfort Keepers location?
Call (803) 279-7100 | 511 West Ave, North Augusta, South Carolina 29841
511 West Ave, North Augusta, South Carolina 29841

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Trusted In-Home Senior Care Serving North Augusta

Comfort Keepers In-Home Care of North Augusta.

Comfort Keepers Senior Home Health Care Agency in North Augusta, SC, Aiken, SC, Augusta GA, Evans, GA and the Surrounding Areas

Comfort Keepers® is widely recognized as a leading provider of quality senior home health care

About Us


Serving our communities since 2002

Our journey...

Janet became highly aware of the need for outside help and that there were many others who needed help too. "Many of us had exhausting, hopeless, frustrating days," said Janet, "so we knew there was a need." 

When founding owner Janet Baumgardner first became an LPN in 1989, she already knew she had a heart for the elderly. She worked with our senior population in the Augusta and North Augusta areas as often as she could. Later in life, she had the opportunity to provide in-home care for her mother while also raising her children with husband Jeff working a full-time job. She and Jeff quickly learned how difficult caring for a loved one 24 hours a day can be, not only for the caregiver and the one being cared for but also for the entire family.

"We needed respite," said Janet, "someone to come in to give us a break, a time to rest physically and emotionally."

This is when Janet began researching and discovered at that time, outside help was very limited in their area. Several years later their son was paralyzed in an accident and the initial care fell upon the family and most specifically on Janet.  She became highly aware of the need for outside help and that there were many others who needed help too. "Many of us had exhausting, hopeless, frustrating days," said Janet, "so we knew there was a need." She discovered that there were companies already in existence that had laid the groundwork but not in the CSRA, North Augusta, Augusta areas. Janet, with Jeff's support, jumped in 100% in pursuit of an in-home care business. In 2002 the dream came true with Comfort Keepers being the match for them. Janet and her team have been growing the business ever since. Jeff joined them in 2013 as the Marketing/Sales Director.

What set Comfort Keepers apart...

"What set Comfort Keepers apart was that they actually took the time and effort to find out who we were before allowing us to join them," said Janet, "That was important. A senior home health care company who really cared about us as individuals and our desire to help others."  Janet and Jeff know that you can't train someone to care. "It must be in their heart,” added Jeff, “Our caregivers have innate compassion and concern for others. Our compassion, dependability, and Comfort Keepers philosophy of "Interactive caregiving" is what sets us apart."



Comfort Keepers of North Augusta partners with 88.3 WAFJ Family Friendly Radio to stay connected to the local community. 

Our Senior Home Care Philosophy

Interactive Caregiving™ is based on four primary pillars, which Comfort Keepers leverage to care for, engage, and interact with our clients:

  1. An active senior mind promotes independence, better mental and physical health, happiness, and longer life.
  2. A physically active senior maintains strength and independence, lessening or delaying the effects of aging.
  3. A well-nourished senior is more energetic, both physically and mentally.
  4. A safe senior lives in an environment that reduces the likelihood of accidents and promotes timely response when illness or accidents occur.

With our Interactive Caregiving approach, we are able to raise seniors’ quality of life to a much higher level than typical senior home health care providers.

To learn more about our senior home health care services, contact us today at (803) 279-7100.