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(918) 493-2100
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Home Fire Prevention

Comfort Keepers In-Home Care in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Comfort Keepers Senior Home Care: Home Fire Prevention & Safety Tips for Seniors in Tulsa, OK

Senior home care and fire prevention experts - Comfort Keepers of Tulsa, OK give you and your loved one advice on how to prevent fires

While fire has undoubtedly played a major role in the development of our civilization, it still remains one of the most powerful forces in nature. To make use of it without getting hurt, it is paramount to take fire safety measures indoors. Unfortunately, seniors are at a higher risk of sustaining an injury or worse in a fire due to declining cognitive and physical abilities or medication side effects and other factors.

Comfort Keepers Senior Home Care aims to raise awareness about fire safety, which can save many lives and improve the well-being of the senior population in particular. Here are some tips on preventing home fire for seniors:

Install Smoke Detectors

Whether your senior loved one life in an apartment or house, having smoke detectors can sometimes mean the difference between life and death. If your parent doesn’t already have them in their home, make sure that they install them as soon as possible. Once installed, they should be cleaned regularly and their batteries changed at least twice a year. If your loved one has hearing problems, check whether they can hear the alarm.

Prevent Cooking Accidents

Most home fires start in the kitchen, but they can, fortunately, be easily prevented. Comfort Keepers Senior Home Care suggests that seniors have a small fire extinguisher in the kitchen so they could swiftly react in case of a fire. Other than that, your loved one should never leave the kitchen while the stove or oven is on, avoid wearing loose clothes that can easily catch fire, and make sure that flammable items such as paper are not near the heat source.

Check Home Wiring

Problems with wiring can cause house fires. If your loved one notices that lights start to dim when a certain appliance is working or that some appliances don’t work when others are on, they should immediately call an electrician to inspect the wiring and solve the issue.

Build an Escape Plan

Comfort Keepers Senior Home Care recommends developing an emergency plan so your loved one can easily escape if there’s a fire. You can practice this escape routine with your loved one to ensure they can safely and easily get out of the house.

Adopt Responsible Smoking Habits

Smoking indoors is extremely dangerous, especially smoking in bed. If your parent does smoke, remind them to always empty ashtrays into the toilet or sink and be extra careful when smoking just before going to bed.

Comfort Keepers Can Help

If you are worried about your loved one’s safety, Comfort Keepers Senior Home Care can help. Give us a call today at (918) 493-2100 to schedule a home safety assessment and find out how to improve your parent’s living conditions and prevent any fire-related accidents. We are happy to be of assistance!