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Why Your Family May Need Living Assistance

Comfort Keepers In-Home Care in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

Comfort Keepers Living Assistance in Oklahoma City, OK: Why Your Family May Need Home Care

Learn more about the early signs that your loved one may show to start looking for living assistance in Oklahoma City, OK – provided by Comfort Keepers

You have likely already thought of your New Year’s resolutions as it is now the beginning of February. One important, but the often forgotten resolution is how effective living assistance can be for families. If you are wondering how you can tell if living assistance is the right step for your family, the team at Comfort Keepers Living assistance has provided some things to look out for. While not all seniors will demonstrate these symptoms, if you are concerned, talk to them or their health care provider.

Increased Forgetfulness

If you have started to notice that your loved one cannot remember important dates, remember to take a shower, or remember that they have a doctor’s appointment, this could be a sign that they need help in their home. Memory is important and sometimes, Alzheimer’s and dementia will start out with slow memory loss, so you must pay attention.

Messy House

A messy house is not always a sign that someone needs help, but if you notice that your loved one’s home is starting to stay a mess and it was not like this before, then they may be in need of some assistance. For example, Comfort Keepers Living assistance suggests that if you notice the garbage is full, laundry hasn’t been done, or dirty dishes surround the sink, you inquire with your loved one about it.

Living assistance services can help your loved one with their daily living tasks and assist them when it comes to laundry, housekeeping, and more.

Poor Hygiene

You may notice that your loved one does not smell nice and that they haven’t washed their hair in a couple of weeks. These are signs that your loved one may be struggling when it comes to taking care of themselves. Cognitive impairment or even a physical ailment like arthritis can prevent them from being able to care for themselves appropriately.

Chronic Health Condition

Comfort Keepers reminds you that chronic health conditions can limit your loved one’s ability to care for themselves. For example, if your loved one suffers from diabetes, Alzheimer’s, or heart disease, he or she may need help inside their home.

One of the nice things about living assistance is that you can choose how much or how little your loved one receives. Many seniors are able to live an independent and active lifestyle while receiving care in their homes. If you would like to learn more about Comfort Keepers Home Care services, do not hesitate to call today.