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Signs of Fraud Against Seniors

Comfort Keepers In-Home Care in Gainesville, Florida.

Elder Care Services Tell You How To Prevent Senior Financial Scams in Gainesville, FL

Nowadays there are many con artists out there who target older adults. Prevent your loved one from being their victim by informing them about popular frauds. It doesn’t matter if your parent has low income, they can still be targeted. Unfortunately, financial scams aren’t always perpetrated by strangers. They are often committed by the senior’s family members.

Health care fraud is most common type of scams as there are endless varieties of it. Scam artists aim to get personal information of seniors by promising them bogus services. When they get it, they use it to bill Medicare and then they simply put the money in their pocket.

Comfort Keepers elder care services of Gainesville, FL, don’t recommend buying medication over the Internet. Many seniors buy their drugs online in order to save money, but they are at risk of purchasing unsafe substances that can cause them harm.

Some con artists read the obituaries and then tell the grieving widow or widower that their spouse owes an outstanding debt, and then extort money to settle the false claim. Some funeral homes target family members who are not familiar with the cost of services and add unnecessary charges to the bill.

Seniors spend a lot of money on beauty treatments and products which are supposed to make them look younger. Scammers know this and sell bogus homeopathic which have absolutely no effect. Elder care services professionals can help your senior loved one with looking and feeling their best so they don't feel the need for these types of treatments. 

One of the popular scams is telemarketing fraud. Con artists sell items over the phone, which of course never arrive. Because there is no paper trail or face-to-face interaction, these scams are incredibly difficult to trace.

Your loved one should also be aware of computer viruses that open information on their computer to scammers. Elder care services recommend keeping close watch on your loved one's internet activity and making sure they're informed as to what might be a potential scam. 

Even if your senior is well informed, they can be a victim of fraud. If that happens, be sure to immediately call their bank or credit company and cancel any debit or credit cards linked to the stolen account. It’s a good idea to reset the personal identification number(s).