Westport, Connecticut
181 Post Rd W #17, Westport, CT 06880
(203) 924-4949
Would you like to save Westport, Connecticut as your Comfort Keepers location?
Comfort Keepers of Westport, Connecticut solely provides non-medical care.
Call (203) 924-4949 | 181 Post Rd W #17, Westport, Connecticut 06880
181 Post Rd W #17, Westport, Connecticut 06880

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Trusted In-Home Senior Care Serving Westport

Comfort Keepers In-Home Care of Westport.

About Comfort Keepers Home Care of Westport, CT

Discover how Comfort Keepers provides award-winning in-home care for seniors and adults, allowing your loved ones to stay home safely. Our expert-trained Comfort Keepers offer compassionate care through Interactive Caregiving™, building genuine friendships. With a global presence and a mission to enrich lives, Comfort Keepers is dedicated to helping seniors thrive and supporting their caregivers.

Providing Award-Winning In-Home Care for Seniors and Adults

At Comfort Keepers Home Care of Westport, CT, we specialize in providing exceptional in-home care services for seniors and adults who require assistance at home. Our dedicated team of expert-trained home care aides is committed to ensuring that your loved ones can remain in the comfort of their own homes for as long as safely possible. We understand that this is a cherished dream for many seniors, and our goal is to enrich the lives of our clients and their families.

Promoting Independence and Well-Being

We prioritize our clients' safety, well-being, and comfort as they continue to live independently. Our comprehensive in-home care services offer seniors the freedom they desire, even in the face of limited mobility, chronic conditions, and other age-related considerations. Through personalized care plans, our compassionate caregivers, whom we proudly call Comfort Keepers®, provide the support necessary to maintain a high quality of life.

Interactive Caregiving™ - Building Meaningful Connections

At Comfort Keepers Home Care of Westport, CT, we believe in the power of Interactive Caregiving™. This unique approach enables our caregivers to develop genuine friendships with our clients, satisfying their emotional and social needs. By fostering strong connections, we go beyond providing primary care and strive to enhance our client's overall well-being and happiness.

Personalized and Professional Home Care Services

We understand family members' challenges when a loved one requires additional assistance at home. Our compassionate caregivers are here to alleviate the stress and provide professional home care services with a personal touch. We tailor our care plans to meet each client's individual needs and preferences, ensuring their comfort and peace of mind.

Recognized Excellence and Commitment

Comfort Keepers Home Care of Westport, CT, is proud to have received the esteemed Great Place to Work® certification. This recognition, managed by the Great Places to Work Institute in partnership with Activated Insights, underscores our commitment to creating a positive work environment for our caregivers. Through their dedication, we deliver joy, purpose, and uplifting support to seniors every day. For over two decades, our mission has been to help today's seniors thrive and invest, inspire, and nurture our caregivers who care for them.

With a solid reputation built over the years, Comfort Keepers Home Care of Westport, CT, is a trusted choice for in-home care. We are dedicated to providing exceptional services that support the well-being and independence of seniors in our community.