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Seniors and Immunizations

Comfort Keepers In-Home Care in Lancaster, California.

Comfort Keepers Senior In Home Care Presents: Immunizations for Seniors in Lancaster, CA

Learn more about the benefits of immunizations for seniors from the senior in home care experts – Comfort Keepers of Lancaster, CA

Seniors can greatly help their health by keeping their immunizations current.  Now, this may require a slight nudge from a family member or a senior in home care provider.  Some seniors may already have a vast array of health concerns currently on their plate, or they also may be suspicious of vaccinations - particularly some of the latest ones.

But seniors are very susceptible to infections of all kinds.  One reason for this is that the elderly sometimes have weakened immune systems.  They may be very exposed to acquired infections as well. 

It should also be noted that immunizations from childhood will no longer be in effect.

Therefore, if you or a senior family member is ready to get into a regimen of vaccinations, here are some of the most important vaccines to prioritize.

1. Shingles Vaccine

Shingles is a painful and very serious skin rash. It can be caused by previous instances of chickenpox—with a person’s immune system weakened with age, the dormant virus re-awakens in the form of shingles.  Shingles afflicts one in three adults at one point in their life.  Therefore, people past the age of 50 are strongly encouraged to get the vaccine for shingles and to keep it up to date, since its effectiveness lasts roughly five years.

2. Flu Vaccine

The Influenza (flu) virus is another one that really seeks out senior citizens.  This is largely due to the fact that many elderly people have weakened or compromised immune systems.  To make matters worse, when the elderly do get the flu virus, they are very vulnerable to a world of complications.  Examples are nasal or lung infections and inflammation of the heart.

The flu itself is particularly dangerous for seniors.  According the Center For Disease Control (CDC), 71-85% of seasonal flu deaths happen to people 65 and older.

Senior in home care experts say that the flu vaccine crucial to the health of your senior loved one.  In fact, a special higher strength vaccine has been designed just for them.

3. T-Dap (Tetanus-Diphtheria-Pertussis)

This updated vaccine adds protection against Pertussis to the previous mix of tetanus and diphtheria vaccines.  Tetanus is marked by painful stiffness and tightening of the muscles, diphtheria consists of breathing problems, including a thick coating in the throat, and pertussis is commonly known as the whooping cough.

Our senior in home care experts say that this vaccine is even more important for seniors who are in contact with infants.

4. Pneumonia

This illness leads to 60,000 deaths per year, and is generally very detrimental to the elderly.  The pneumonia vaccine is one-time, but patients can get renewal vaccines five years or more after the initial one.

As you can see, it’s absolutely crucial for seniors to keep current on their vaccinations.  Taking the advice given by our senior in home care experts is a step in the right direction to avoiding much greater problems in the future.