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Holiday Stress Management

Comfort Keepers In-Home Care in Lancaster, California.

Palliative Care at Comfort Keepers of Lancaster, CA: Tips For Avoiding Stress This Holiday Season

Learn these tips about holiday stress management and palliative care at Comfort Keepers of Lancaster, CA

If you are experiencing any type of stress this holiday season, you will be glad to know that you are not alone. You will find that many others are just as stressed and tired as you are. The holidays should be about celebrations and relaxation, but this can seem difficult when the stress weighs on you. Fortunately, the Comfort Keepers palliative care team has provided you with some tips below to help you manage your stress effectively.

Limit Your Alcohol Intake

Although it is okay for you to have a drink or two during the holidays, you want to limit how much alcohol you and others around you consume. Alcohol lowers your inhibitions, which can lead to aggressive and argumentative behavior. No one wants to be around others who are like this and you may ruin the holiday spirit if it happens. If you plan to be the host or hostess, Comfort Keepers palliative care suggests that you limit how much alcohol is offered to the guests to prevent any issues from arising.

Express Yourself to Someone You Trust

It is important that you do not keep your emotions bottled up inside of you and that you take the time to talk to someone you trust. This person can be anyone from a family member to a close friend. Once you start to talk to the individual and let out your emotions, you will feel less stress overall.

Stay Active

Comfort Keepers palliative care experts recommend that you remain as active as possible throughout the holiday season. It can be easy to toss exercise routines to the side and even easier to sit down on the couch and not face that you need to be active, but it is vital to your health, both physically and mentally. Experts say that remaining active releases endorphins in your body, which work to reduce stress and help you feel better overall.

Focus on What You Are Thankful For

If you start to feel overwhelmed and stressed, take a moment to think about what you have to be thankful for. You will find that your stress melts away when you see how far you have come this year. You can be thankful for anything from something as small as being able to buy new tires to something as big as a wedding ceremony.

If you would like to learn more about how to manage holiday stress, contact Comfort Keepers palliative care today.